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Êàòåãîðèÿ: Itineraries | Íîâîñòü îò: admin | 15.03.2007, 06:57

Yerevan- the Capital of Armenia is one of the most ancient cities of the world. Having visited Yerevan, you can see a lot of interesting and surprising. There are many museums in Yerevan among them such as the Historical museum, the Picture Gallery of Armenia, the Museum of Modern Art, house - museums of Saryan, Parajanov, Tumanyan, Spendiarov and others. Matenadaran is a unique library of ancient manuscripts, where more than sixteen thousand Armenian manuscripts of different volume and age are stored.
The squares of Yerevan are beautiful and original in particular. The Republic Square was built up of monumental, deeply national structures surrounding the square site. Here the governmental buildings, hotel "Armenia", a building housing the Picture Gallery, museums are situated. Overlooking the square, on the wall of the House of the Government, there is a city chiming -clock. The building has national colour. Columns and arches on the facades of the buildings are richly decorated with thin carving featuring the motives of ancient Armenian ornament . All other buildings on the square are subordinated to the general plan. Here, there is a fountain with a song of lumiere. The small boulevard adjoins to the square where 2750 small fountains were placed in 1968, in commemoration of the historic age of the City of Yerevan
The building of the Opera and Ballet Theatre after Spendiarov, the Sport and Concert Complex, the Palace of Youth, the House of the Chess Player, the Academy of Sciences, Matenadaran, University, numerous theatres, cinemas, hotels are all eye-catching with their beauty.
There are a lot of monuments and memorials in Yerevan. They are placed with particular carefulness and perfectly harmonize with the surrounding landscape.
A monument to the hero of the Armenian national epos David of Sasun was built in the center of th Railway Station Square .
On the hill of Tsitsernakaberd park a monument to the victims of Genocide of 1915 was erected. The monument consists of 12 pylons located along a circle and hardly declined to the center.
Beside there is an obelisk of forty meters high in the form of the pointed doubled pyramid.
In Haghtanak (Victory) park a monument to Mother-Armenia was built, representing a woman with a sword in the hand, personifying the image of the Homeland.
Monuments both to the revolutionary figures and the celebrities of literature and art were established in different parts of the city. Monuments to poet Tumanyan and composer Spendiaryan are located in the Theatre Square, at a concert hall - a monument to the composer Aram Khachatryan, monuments to poet Teryan (the classics of the Armenian literature), to poet Isaakyan, painter Ayvazovsky, revolutionary Nalbandyan and writer Griboedov were established in the Ring Boulevard. At Vernisaje, where the young artists expose their canvases, the monument to great painter Saryan sculptured from a white marble, was established, and at a Conservatoire building- a monument to Komitas. In the central part of the city the monument to the great architect Tamanyan was established who was represented bent over a drawing board.
There are some working churches in Yerevan. All of them are erected on the place of churches, destroyed earlier by the earthquake of 1679. Among them are St. Sargis, St. Êàtîghike, St. Zoravar, St.Hovannes and others.
On the occasion of the 1700-anniversary of acceptance of Christianity in Armenia Grigory the Iluminator's majestic temple was erected in Yerevan in 2001.
Some information on history: YEREVAN- the Capital of Armenia is one of the most ancient cities of the world. It is of the same age as Babylon, Rome. The Year of the city's foundation is considered 782 B.C. - then king Argishti founded Erebuny fortress. However people have lived here long before the city's foundation. In the territory of the city archeologists found out the most ancient settlements of the IV-III millenium B.C. Shengavit is the most ancient among them. The subsequent centuries, in the period of penetration of urartu people in Ararat valley (VIII century B.C.), the territory of Yerevan starts to be built up by urartu kings. The fortresses of Erebuny and Teyshebayny were being built up. The next years new cities appeared in Ararat valley. Though Yerevan continues playing significant role in country's economic life and transit trade, it stepped aside. The further fate of the city developed with difficulty. At first the city was in the possession of Timur Tamerlan's hordes which invaded the limits of Transcaucasia, then it became the bone of contention between Persia and Osman Turkey. Yerevan was almost devastated and plundered. But the most terrible disaster was the earthquake of 1679, which razed the whole city to the ground. That's why despite the ancient age, Yerevan deprived of normal conditions of development, at the beginning of XIX century was an uncomfortable city with the small number of population. After East Armenia was annexed by Russia (in 1828), favorable conditions were created for economic development of Yerevan. It became the center of Erivan province. In 1856 the first plan of reconstruction of Yerevan was drawn up. At the end of XIX century there appeared the following enterprises: wine-cognac factories of Òairov, Afrikyan, Sarajev, machine workshop of Ter-Avetikov. New schools, including men's and female grammar schools, teacher's seminary, business school were opened. At the end of 1920 Yerevan became the capital of Armenia. Since that time, rapid development of city had begun. Under the project of architect Tamanyan the city began to be reconstructed. Its external appearance has completely changed. In architectural ensembles of the city the elements of the Armenian architects of the past centuries were used. Buildings were erected, basically, from pink tuff. Yerevan became one of the most beautiful and original cities of the country.
The presentday Yerevan is a large industrial city. Yerevan is a large center of science, a brain and a heart of Armenia as well. Here are situated the Academy of Sciences, dozens of scientific research institutes and higher educational institutions

The plan of the underground of Yerevan.

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